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6 Ways To Make Working Together Easier

The ability to be able to get on well with colleagues is crucial for a healthy and productive working environment as well as achieving collective goals. Teamwork relies on open communication, mutual respect and collaboration - all of which are facilitated by good relationships among co-workers. Positive professional relationships also enhance job satisfaction, reduce work induced stress and lead to far greater success for both individuals and the organisation as a whole.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
December 3, 2024

The ability to be able to get on well with colleagues is crucial for a healthy and productive working environment as well as achieving collective goals. Teamwork relies on open communication, mutual respect and collaboration - all of which are facilitated by good relationships among co-workers. Positive professional relationships also enhance job satisfaction, reduce work induced stress and lead to far greater success for both individuals and the organisation as a whole.

However, sometimes it may seem a little difficult to maintain good relationships with those you work with, so here are six simple strategies which will help to create that positive environment in the workplace.

1. Everyone has different opinions and some people hold rather rigid beliefs that can not be swayed so of course, this may cause difficulties at times, especially if you find yourself at loggerheads with a colleague on a regular basis. Therefore, you must be willing to respect other people's opinions, just as you want your opinions respected by others even if they don’t agree with you. Try to learn from what they know and appreciate that a team in any professional setting is made up of individuals who have a diverse range of skills and experiences.

2. Listen to what they have to say and they will in turn listen to you. Everyone has the right to be heard and it is easy for those with the quieter personalities to be totally overlooked. Effective collaboration requires the input of everyone and for individual ideas to be expressed, heard and valued. Never talk about a colleague behind their back. If something needs to be said then use this as an opportunity for constructive criticism.

3. Colleagues thrive when they feel assured that any confidential information divulged will remain confidential. Honesty and ethics are key factors when it comes to creating mutual trust within the working environment so open and authentic communication should be encouraged as well as all colleagues knowing who they can fully rely upon to turn to if a more private dialogue is required.

4. Tense situations and conflict will occur from time to time but it is imperative that calm is restored as soon as possible. Any negative atmosphere should be dealt with sooner rather than later by allowing all parties involved to discuss and resolve the situation. Sometimes you may have to agree to disagree but the main objective is to clear the air and move on, eradicating any hard feelings or grudges whilst displaying ongoing professional respect for those which you have disagreed with.

5. Value others at all times and be considerate towards everyone. Be kind, courteous and well mannered, offering and asking for help where necessary and giving praise for a job well done which will maintain a high morale amongst colleagues, even during times of setbacks and challenges.

6. One of the simplest yet most effective things that you can do to develop and maintain good relationships with those you work with is to smile and be cheerful. A smile from someone can brighten a dark or difficult day as it shows you care and more often than not, the smile is returned and followed by conversation. Smiles are infectious and have a huge impact on others!

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