Diversity is now embraced amongst not only workplace situations but society in general. Each and every individual in a place of work has a uniqueness. It is through not only recognising but accepting how very different we are to one another that allows the diversity to enhance all aspects of working together. Whereas in days gone by, we would invariably have people that were fairly similar to one another working in a particular work setting, this has now significantly changed.
Diversity is a quality that not only shows the exclusiveness in accepting our differences in comparison to others but it actually brings people together. We learn to respect both ourselves and others through diversity and life can become so much more enriched and interesting for all involved, bringing with it many new perspectives.. Ultimately everyone can benefit from a diverse working environment. Any preconceived negative fixed ideas can be dispelled and a much stronger support bond amongst peers can be achieved.
There are many ways in which the people who make up a diverse workplace may be identified and here are just a few.
Ethnicity. According to government statistics, although the marginal majority of people employed within the UK are of white ethnicity, many others belong to black, asian, mixed or other ethnic groups. Of course, these groups can incorporate a vast amount of different nationalities from many different heritages and countries.
Religion. People identify with a range of different religions. Some actively practise while some do not yet the affiliation is there. As religion is often about morals and kindness, we can all learn something from each other regarding the varying facets of religion.
Age. The benefits of having a workforce of differing ages is being increasingly recognised as older workers tend to have more experience both in and out of work and of course the wisdom that develops with age. The younger staff can be more dynamic and focus driven yet with all ages there is often a huge amount of talent and skills that can blend extremely well which prove to be highly productive.
Furthermore, there are many other differences that we encounter within the workplace such as sexual orientation, physical and mental disabilities, physical appearances and gender. Every individual has their own ideas on for example - politics, each have their own interests and have their own character traits and quirks.
If a workforce can value the diversity of each unique individual and treat each member respectfully then it has the capacity to work together extremely well.
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