The average person will spend the majority of their waking hours during the working week in their workplace. More time will be spent with colleagues than family and friends and this is especially so if they are in close proximity with them such as sharing a desk or office space so it is very important to have good relationships with those who share such a major part of their life. According to statistics, a happy workforce equals increased productivity by as much as 20% so managers often focus on what will create a harmonious environment and will implement proven strategies such as staff ‘perks’ and regular team building activities so as to keep their staff motivated.
Many people will spend a third of their lives ‘at work’ which is quite a sobering thought indeed so it is crucial to be as happy as possible in the company of their colleagues.
No matter how much an individual enjoys being at their job, their full potential can never be fully realised unless they make an effort to get along with everyone there with no exceptions! By offering an olive branch towards those that are less likely to be on their list of favourite colleagues, they are far more likely to gain the support, respect and trust from everyone as colleagues observe and see how professionally they handle potential conflict. People who have little or no discord at work will become happier and their mental health will benefit which has a knock on effect on their physical health and vice versa. By having a healthy attitude towards work and the people they work with, it can produce a far more positive outlook on many aspects of life, not just professionally.
Of course, challenges will regularly manifest themselves but if individuals can eliminate any worries and negativities connected with colleagues, then they will be able to concentrate on getting tasks done efficiently and without unnecessary distractions. Without fear of reprisals, confrontations and criticism, the job becomes far more rewarding indeed. There will be the occasional clash of personalities from time to time but this is just to be expected. What matters is how these clashes are dealt with and worked upon so as to bring about harmony once more.
When colleagues get along well with one another, the communication improves which allows collaboration and discussion of new ideas and perspectives to become second nature as everyone strives to maintain the balance that has been achieved and any potential problems are swiftly and efficiently resolved.
Having respect for colleagues means that individuals will align themselves with a mutual and respectful camaraderie, regardless of the hierarchy of the department or company.