If you work from home, having your own personal space which is free from distractions is most important yet it can feel quite a challenge getting it just right. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a spare room which can be transformed into a home based office and it can feel quite overwhelming, especially if you are either working from home for the first time or transitioning from an office building to home.
However, here are four simple tips which should help you feel focused and motivated as well as pride that you created your own space!
Choose your location wisely. Being distracted can have a negative impact on your performance and quality of work so steer clear of noisy and ‘high traffic’ areas of the home such as the living room or kitchen areas. Select a space that is quiet - perhaps an area of your bedroom or a quieter corner of your home.
Have an organisational structure in which to keep all your paperwork and other necessary items such as a desk, filing cabinet or even a chest of drawers which is used solely for work purposes. Steer away from cluttering your desk with items you don’t need as this will prove to be chaotic and have a detrimental impact upon your work, especially if you have deadlines to fulfil. Of course, having some specially selected personal items such as a photograph, a potted plant or any other item that uplifts you will not only personalise your space but make it much more inviting for you.This is especially important as you will invariably be spending the majority of your working day there so spend time personalising your working space.
If you find yourself sitting behind a desk for a large part of the day, you should be investing in a chair that is not only comfortable but also provides adequate support for your back and in turn your neck. So much physical discomfort is due to not having the correct type of seating so it is worth shopping around and perhaps seeking expert advice.
In this digital era, most workplaces rely on some sort of technology to support them so as you are setting up your home/office space, consider the location of a computer, printer, scanner and any other gadget you may rely upon. If these require upgrading then there is no better time than now when you are creating your working space. Investing in the latest software or apps can help you stay ultra efficient and organised at all times.