If we are totally honest with ourselves, we have all had the odd day here and there where we simply just do not want to go to work for one reason or another but what if we feel like that most days?
Dreading going to work can be extremely emotionally depleting indeed on one's mental and physical health, so here are five signs that may indicate that it’s time to move on to pastures new.
You find the work boring. So, you applied for the job and got the job but whether you have been working in your role for a short time or many years, if you feel the work is mostly boring, routine and monotonous then maybe you should start looking for another job.You should be able to derive enjoyment and pride from your work, not to feel miserable about it.
You do not get along with your colleagues. As we spend the majority of each day with the same people, it is important that we feel part of a valued team where there is a mutual feeling of belonging. However if your colleagues are unfriendly, untrustworthy and unkind then it is time to place ourselves in a more healthy and welcoming environment. Our peers have a huge impact upon us and this should be positive and uplifting, certainly not negative and demeaning.
You find yourself looking for excuses not to go into work. Everyone has had to be absent at some point because of sickness or an emergency but if you simply cannot face going in to work and are constantly searching for reasons not to be there, e.g., being off sick then you need to be proactive in securing a job that you actually do enjoy. Your current employer will only tolerate prolonged absences or lateness for so long before you receive disciplinary proceedings or even lose your job.
You feel you are not being paid enough. It can feel quite intimidating to work hard each day when this is not being recognised financially or your colleagues may be doing the same work or even less, for a larger salary. If a pay increase is non negotiable after speaking to your manager, then value yourself and seek other employment.
There is no possibility of promotion or accessing training. We all have potential and strengths but if you are not able to progress or gain more experience and knowledge then your job will feel rather futile and you will feel pessimistic about your future within the company. You should be encouraged to develop your talents ~ a good employer will recognise this and actively support you.
While you are in a job that you don’t enjoy,and you have made the decision that you don't want to stay, then use all your resources to apply for other jobs in the meantime. The positive aspect to being in this scenario is that you will know what you will and what you will not tolerate in your next role. Know your own worth.
At The UK Careers Fair, we provide job applicants to find openings and opportunities to find their new corporate home. If you’re looking for career fairs in the UK, you’ll be glad to know that there will be a career fair held in Brighton at The Old Ship Hotel on Wednesday 16th February from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Get a ticket for any event by clicking here.