The way that leadership skills are often really tested are when companies are faced with uncertain times or a form of crisis. When business is good then the workforce is happy and therefore both productivity and staff morale are high, while sickness levels and turnover remain low. However, once things take a downward spiral, the effectiveness of the management often comes into question and is put to the test in many ways. Effective leadership is essential for guiding organisations and its employees through uncertainty. The art of such leadership relies upon a combination of skills and the ability to be adaptable while understanding the requirements of the organisation as a whole as well as its employees as individuals.
Good leadership needs clear and concise communication which is transparent and truthful because during times of uncertainty, employees will be keen to gain information and to receive reassurances. Effective leaders will provide regular updates on any changes and ensure that employees are involved in any decision making. This aims to keep everyone involved fully informed and fosters trust between the management and the employees, which is a vital aspect to maintaining morale.
Good leadership also requires natural empathy by acknowledging concerns, no matter how insignificant they may seem at the time. During times of crisis, there will be an increased amount of stress and tension among employees and they need to feel listened to and valued.
Crisis situations require a collaborative approach where a team effort and full involvement of problem solving and decision making can be encouraged. Often by including everyone, diverse perspectives and collective solutions can lead to more innovative and effective responses.
Good managers and leaders never let pessimism or frustration alter the dynamics of the workplace as maintaining a good and positive outlook can inspire the whole workforce. Positivity is contagious and reassuring in all aspects of life, including the workplace.
Uncertain times never last forever so effective leaders will be eager to assess what strategies have been useful and which have not. They will want to evaluate the situation and learn from it in order to refine their crisis management skills and to ensure the company’s future resilience to similar situations.
In the face of adversity, skilled and effective leaders will automatically rise to the challenge by guiding their workforce with strength, compassion and a focus on the future of everyone involved.