Do you find yourself hoping that things will change for the better in your life one day or do you have an inbuilt certainty that the future will just get better and better? This type of positive outlook can help enormously when faced with professional challenges such as a job contract coming to an end or a major reshuffle in the dynamics of the workplace which may leave you feeling out of your depth. Some individuals may become despondent and pessimistic about the prospect of having to find another job or worry about their ability to cope with major changes at work or added responsibilities. However, an optimist is not oblivious to challenges and setbacks but they have the ability to have hope and faith in themselves regarding their future.
It is well known that however pessimistic or optimistic you are, can have very real implications upon your reality as firmly held beliefs of negative expectations can become self fulfilled prophecies because your ideas change your behaviour.
Additionally, however optimistic or pessimistic you are about any aspect of your job will affect your attitude, your perception of your colleagues and all the opportunities and challenges that occur during the time you spend in the workplace. Therefore, it is imperative that to gain the most satisfaction out of your job, you will need to shift your expectations and try to increase your general positivity in order to become far happier and content.
A simple yet effective strategy is to start each morning by boosting your own optimism and creating a positive mindset, ready for the day ahead. Instead of focusing on the usual negative thoughts such as assuming that you will have a stressful journey to work, you’ll be overwhelmed with unnecessary meetings and the lady from the accounts department will annoy you, change your thoughts.Think of three of four things that you are looking forward to and anticipating in a positive way about the day ahead. Examples could be that you envisage yourself finally completing the project that you have been working on, during your break having a coffee with a colleague while enjoying an interesting discussion or even how well you can tolerate the lady from the accounts department without getting too stressed! Notice how good you feel and how the atmosphere lightens already!
The most critical voice you will hear will be your own. So learn to counteract your thoughts. If you begin to feel anxious over your workload and you think to yourself ‘I’ll never get through this!’, change your thought to ‘I am competent enough to complete this project and if I find myself struggling, I’ll ask for help!’ Talk to yourself as if you were speaking to a friend or family member and give yourself plenty of praise and encouragement, allowing yourself time to gain the correct perspectives and clarity in challenging professional situations. Recognise that your expectations are changing and increase whatever you are doing to feel that way.
Shifting your professional expectations to become more positive involves embracing a growth mindset, focusing on continuous improvement and viewing challenges as opportunities for development.