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The Importance Of A Smile During Job Interviews

Obviously your qualifications, experience and skill are all important when attending a job interview but there is another extremely important factor that can significantly impact the impression that you make upon the interviewer and that is how you present yourself. Despite what you may have read, first impressions do count and a friendly and genuine smile can make all the difference in how the interviewer perceives you when first meeting you.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
June 14, 2024

Obviously your qualifications, experience and skill are all important when attending a job interview but there is another extremely important factor that can significantly impact the impression that you make upon the interviewer and that is how you present yourself. Despite what you may have read, first impressions do count and a friendly and genuine smile can make all the difference in how the interviewer perceives you when first meeting you.

Interviews are understandably nerve wracking situations for many so when your stomach is in knots, your mouth is dry and your heart is beating so hard that you are certain it is actually audible to anyone else in the room, the last thing you may feel like doing is smiling! However, a warm and authentic smile can convey friendliness, confidence, approachability and positivity which are all factors that an interviewer is looking for in a potential candidate and it can set the tone for the entire interview experience.

Think of the emotions you are feeling as you sit outside the interviewing room waiting for the interviewer to come out and introduce him or herself. Whether you are having your first or your twentieth interview, you will undoubtedly feel nervous and anxious, worrying that you may forget everything that you have been practicing beforehand. Then a wave of relief washes over you as soon as they appear and smile at you (which hopefully they do!) which immediately puts you at ease. So, it works both ways!

Smiling during a job interview will help to establish rapport and build a connection with the interviewer as it clearly communicates openness which immediately creates a more relaxed atmosphere in readiness for a productive conversation. It is this initial connection that can set the stage for a more engaging and positive interview and enhances your chances of making a memorable impression.

Smiling can convey enthusiasm and interest in the opportunity that the interview offers. Prospective employers will not only evaluate your professional qualifications but will also be assessing your attitude and enthusiasm for the role and a smile will show the interviewer that you are genuinely excited about the prospect of working for them. This can be especially helpful in competitive job markets where employers are looking for candidates who not only meet the job requirements but also demonstrate a genuine passion for the role.

Smiling can project confidence and professionalism and these are key attributes that employers often look for as it reflects your ability to handle challenges, communicate effectively and can represent the company appropriately.

The psychological effect of a smile has a huge effect on both you and the interviewer as it triggers the release of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins. This helps to alleviate feelings of stress and improves mindset as well as making the interview a far less tense situation.

So, smile when you meet the interviewer, smile at appropriate times during the interview and smile as you thank the interviewer for their time as it could make all the difference!

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