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Handy Tips For Today's Job Seekers

Searching for a new job is a significant step in a person's career. It shows them outgrowing one role and wanting to step into a higher position. Some might be looking for a new job as they want to switch careers and go down a different path.
Written by
Isabella Goode
Guest Post
Published on
May 28, 2024

Searching for a new job is a significant step in a person's career. It shows them outgrowing one role and wanting to step into a higher position. Some might be looking for a new job as they want to switch careers and go down a different path.

Earlier this year, reports suggested that more than 6.5 million people in the UK were planning on quitting their current jobs in 2022. When switching roles, much thought and effort go into applying for vacant positions. Throughout the years of working, individuals will likely have amassed a vast range of skills and expanded their knowledge. Making the most of their potential could help them in increasing their chances of success.

Keep reading to find some handy tips to help you make the most out of your potential when searching for a new job role.

Tailor To The Application

One thing you will likely hear when applying for positions is to cater your CV to the job specification. Take note of the requirements a person needs for the position. On your application and CV, ensure that you tailor it to highlight your skills that match the requirements. Companies are looking for the requirements listed on the job advert in applicants' CVs. Ensuring that you tailor your CV to meet all the requirements listed on the job specification could help you increase your chances of becoming a candidate interviewed by the company. They will take note of the skills you have that meet the requirements of their ideal candidate.

Showcase Your Talents

One thing companies look for in applicants is experience. Having skills and knowledge of a role or industry shows a company that an individual has the capabilities and an in-depth understanding of working in the position they are applying for. Showcasing this experience and talents can be an appealing quality to companies. Whether it be creating a portfolio of your work or listing examples of experiences you have had, being able to show businesses you are applying for a job at your talents will help you to stand apart from other competitors. The talents, experience and skills you possess could be the factors that help to sway a company's decision in your favour.

Prepare For The Tasks

Depending on the role, some companies will ask that candidates perform a task related to the work. These tasks help them to gain a deeper understanding of a candidate's capabilities and make a more informed decision. They will use the tests, as well as your CV and interview, to help them decide which candidate will be offered the vacant role. Some organisations might also use the services of companies like Arctic Shores to help them identify the right candidate for the position using behaviour-based analysis and tasks. By exploring behaviour and talent, the company can offer valuable insight for recruiters. As a candidate, ensuring that you put your best foot forward by being prepared for a task will help in increasing your chances of receiving an offer.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

The interviews are a crucial aspect of applying for a job. How an individual comes across during an initial meeting could be the deciding factor a company uses between choosing two candidates. Job interviews are a chance for companies to learn more about candidates on a personal level. It allows them to put a face and voice to an application. For candidates, job interviews are a chance to showcase their personality and show the business how committed and devoted they would be to the role. When you have an interview, ensure that you have learnt a little about the business and use the information you found in your answers. This shows an interest in the organisation and the initiative to learn more. Be enthusiastic about the role, and ask questions to help you learn more about the company culture. All of this would help you put your best forward for the position you are applying for.

The Bottom Line

Finding a new job can be a time-consuming and, at times, disheartening process. Be prepared not to hear back from applications and expect delays in responses. You will likely have to chase companies to see if they will be progressing with your application any further.

Of course, you have to prepare yourself for the prospect of rejection. Some companies will choose one candidate over another due to their experience. Other companies will select an individual because of their enthusiasm for a role. There are various factors that could influence a company's decision to choose an applicant. If you face rejection, do not let it dishearten you. Instead, use it to fuel your desire to find a new role. Use the tips mentioned above to help you with finding a new position so that you can land your dream role.

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