Have you ever felt disillusioned about decisions made by certain teams within your workplace? Well, it is an apparently fairly common feeling which can often stem from a mismatch between your individual expectations and team outcomes. Unfortunately, it can lead to decreased motivation and a reduction in productivity, therefore it is essential to be able to identify why you feel the disillusionment that you are experiencing.
You must be able to try and identify the root cause of how you feel so ask yourself why. Is it due to a lack of communication, feeling like your voice is not being listened to or even disagreeing with the direction or decisions that the team is taking? Understanding the underlying issues helps in addressing the issue far more constructively.
Open communication is key so clearly express your concerns to the team or a manager in a constructive way. I know it is sometimes difficult to hold in tempers but do remain calm so you can articulate your point across in a professional manner and instead of focusing on what you feel is wrong, try to focus on coming up with possible improvements. This shows that you are invested in the team’s successes and that you are willing to contribute towards positive changes.
A team decision is often a result of various perspectives and considerations so take time to take a step back and to try and understand the rationale behind the decisions that you are disillusioned with. Ask questions and seek clarity on how the decisions align with the goals of the team which can hopefully provide you with a new perspective and may increase your confidence in the decisions made.
You may find that despite not fully agreeing with team decisions, that there are areas in which you can make a difference. Channel your energy into aspects of your work where you can have a positive impact as this will boost your morale and can help to demonstrate your value to the team.
It ca be quite emotionally draining to feel disillusioned within your own working environment but developing resilience can help you to cope with setbacks you experience because of this. Ensure you have a good work life balance and have a life outside of work as this can provide the mental space needed to deal with the professional challenges more effectively.
You may find that it helps to seek support from a mentor you may have or to confide in a trusted colleague. They can offer guidance and a different perspective that may help you deal with your feelings. You may even begin to reevaluate your position within the team or organisation especially if you feel your values are not aligning with the decisions being made.
Sometimes a change in role or even working environment is the only option for your own professional growth and progression but this is not a decision that can be taken lightly or until all other avenues are exhausted. Ultimately, you do need to be heard and you need to feel that your opinions are valued and taken into account regarding decisions and outcomes within a team setting.